I offer opportunities for connection - within yourself...with others...with the world around - through Mindfulness courses and conversations, because we miss too much of our precious lives through the pain and distractions of this crazy world. I am based in Gloucestershire and work here and online.

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I'm a Mindfulness teacher offering opportunities for groups or individuals to learn or practice these skills – skills of finding presence of mind, and of tuning in to what's here, now, with a friendly attitude, and of finding joy in the simplest of things. There are several well-evidenced Mindfulness programs with which I am familiar.

Mindfulness for Work and Life

Since retiring as a Registered Psychologist, I no longer offer Mindfulness as an intervention for those with diagnosed Mental Health conditions.

However, I continue to offer Mindfulness in non-clinical settings:

  • Support for individuals who are learning mindfulness through self-taught packages

  • Co-facilitation of courses run by clinicians or other trained mindfulness teachers

  • Facilitation of courses for ready-made groups such as work teams

I support my Clinical Psychologist colleague, Alison Sedgwick Taylor in running courses, day retreats and an online monthly meditation group (first Thursday of each month, 7.15 - 8 pm), which is open to all. Find out more about Practice Sessions

Mindfulness and Climate

Alongside this, I am deeply exercised by the most pressing issues of our time, - the mind-set and policies worldwide, which have led us to the Climate and Ecological Emergency, that we see unfurling before our eyes. I want to find ways to face the emerging challenges, and to encourage others to understand and to begin to process the shock, and to build community. This leads me to offer: -

  • Workshops based on "The Work that Reconnects", a program devised by Joanna Macy and others, that offers a journey to explore our individual and collective responses to the collapse of the planet. Joanna is a Clinical Psychologist who has drawn on a wealth of Buddhist and other teachings to create an inspiring body of work.

  • Climate Cafes – loosely structured but professionally held sessions, in which people can freely express how they feel about climate breakdown, without fear of judgment and with no expectation of any commitment to act

  • Support for those wishing to take action in response to the climate and ecological emergency

Please contact me if you would like to discuss working with me in any of the above ways.